corrie va a chile

here it is, my travels in south america, centered in chile. see accompanying photos at

Monday, October 25, 2004

poetry for my peeps (in the early stages of a masterpiece)

pumping my piernas
burning off my panza
warding off piropos
and along comes a payaso
his cara all blanco
but super jovencito.

no need to take the micro
when the entretención comes to you

on the esquina by the
toesca metro
he rolls up my sleeves
and preps me for the calle
a long ride ahead

then out comes la manito
and i fish for a moneda
wish i could give him more than quiniento
but maybe my new sonrisa
is payment enough

he planted his labios
just above my glove
and reached out his cuello
for me to show my amor

never have i been able
to ignorar el aire contaminado
on my camino
so thanks to my clown
for giving me the energía
to forge on al derecho

next time you'll have to join me
for all the buena suerte
that comes on two wheels
peace out to my payaso
love to the compañeros


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