corrie va a chile

here it is, my travels in south america, centered in chile. see accompanying photos at

Thursday, January 27, 2005

not over yet

whoooo hahahaha

So I'm resisting the terrible temptation to just fall back into the rhythm of Berkeley life (whatever that means) and am instead settling into Lothlorien, the veggie coop I'm in this semester. A sneak peek at a picture Andrew posted online of a street in my old barrio Brasil made me cry the other day, and all sorts of snippets of memories from my little bit of a life in Santiago rush back to me at the most random moments, making me pine for a lucky slice of my existence I swore I wouldn't take for granted but now seem to think I did, for the simple reason that I could not make it last forever. Chile is so, so far away, that sometimes I remember that feeling I had when I first got there, this sensation that wow, life goes on so far away and it is easy to imagine it is not there, when you are on the other side of the world. I think that sometimes when I see a photo of a destroyed Iraqi or Palestinian city, and shudder.

I am also really, really missing a much simpler life of not being an activist and not working! Wow, I guess I actually had time to do e-mail and call my family and do my freaking school work and write in my blog and get all angsty about all my mistakes in Love.

I still have so many stories I want to share from my last few weeks of travel, and now I'm glad I didn't get them down yet, so that I can savor them when I finally do get to them.

Hopefully, by the next time I get to that--and I actually already have the first installment of travel stories from the South of Chile, they're just still on my computer--I will have a new blog up, Oh, it'll be in Chilean Spanish, so have fun with that.

Friday, January 07, 2005

A Teaser from Paradise

Oooooooooooooooooh, it's hot at Puerto Iguazú today (to give you a feel: about 90 degrees and humid)! If my tummy wasn't in revolt from bad bus food, I'd be swimming in the hostel pool right now.

We've been gone just over 10 days, and it's been crazy. I have lots of stories to tell, but for now I'm too busy living. If Andrew and I don't kill each other, I'll be sure to have lots for you soon.

Hope you had a wonderful end of 2004 celebrations and are starting off the year right.

So far, we had a really good time in Mendoza, Argentina, not such a good time in Buenos Aires, and really enjoyed ourselves in Colonia and Montevideo, Uruguay. We're going to the famous Iguazú Falls tomorrow and then to Córdoba (still in Argentina) on Sunday, then back through Mendoza on the way back to Santiago for our flights on Thursday.

This is really almost the end! Soon, it'll be crazy veggie co-op living, back to politics and studying and all my friends and comrades in the Bay. And rainy winter. Sigh.